to all the mums out there. Stay golden and stand by your kids. And specially to MY mum (if you're reading this), you're awesome.
Thats that. Oh wow, its 12:55AM now. Thats rather late huh? Will make this brief.
I realise that my perceptions about a couple of everyday objects change as compared to the time before I had my laptop. Strange but true. Like for example:
I walk into a Starbucks outlet,
I see an empty sofa, all plush and comfortable looking.
I see a wooden chair, rock hard not at all appealing, BUT there's a 3 pin power socket beside.
Which will I choose?
In the PAST (w/o Laptop):
"Lets analyse the idea position for the angle of the shot, and ask ourselves if sitting there would profit our move and what is the MARKETING MIX? And oh, I'll need power to work on my LAPTOP and have a conference online with my team members."
As you can see from the above observation, owning a laptop EVOLVES a person. Subjective as to if its for the better or the worse but guess I'll have to live around it.
5 tell-tale signs to see if someone uses or owns a laptop:
1) He/She looks at every power socket weirdly
2) He/She swears when you say you're going to a non wireless surf zone
3) He/She looks at newly bought CDs funny
4) He/She walks with a hunch or a limp (weight issues)
5) He/She goes to Starbucks just to surf on Youtube
All in all, we should have laptops. No, they're not paying me to say this but yea, its a great invention really; The personal computer that is PORTABLE. I'll end here cause its late. Will update with articles soon.
Cya'll later!
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