Monday, August 4, 2008

Random Thought, Vol. 7

Alright, time for a quick update.

Been spending the weekends on movies mainly (but from an undisclosed source) and its been somewhat interesting and fruitful.

And that's probably the reason why I haven't been blogging for the past couple of days.

From the highly humorous, like "Borat" and "Good Luck Chuck", to the action packed "Jumper", each and every single piece of production yields a substantial amount of educational value from within (which I'll be touching on in my upcoming article).

Life has been really hectic recently, but its slowing down for abit as the semester draws to a close.

While others take time off to replenish lost hours of sleep, or even catch up with their friends, I'd prefer to do the the unorthodox of pondering about certain topics and aspects of life.

I did an analysis of my current lifestyle and my current environment just to keep myself in check.

I then reflected on my current mindset and train of thought. Indeed, I have not been feeling too well, emotionally these pass few weeks (mainly due to the workload, changes in lifestyle and certain aspects) but I've dealt with them reasonably week in a sense; I'm still standing tall.

I feel that fighting for what one desires in life is absolutely necessary as things will not drop from the sky just like that, thus I cultivate my drive for achieving greater things.

Its interesting what a certain event or watching a certain show, or experiencing a certain change, can do to both you and the mind.

I would like to share a short narrative with you, my reader, so here goes.

"The man tilted his face towards the wind and sighed. It has been 3 months since he last saw the oasis. He wasn't intent on leaving the oasis but he knew that the time has come for him to leave as he recalled that day.

The winds blew at his back and the sun blazed at his back, as if urging the poor man off and away from the oasis.

I'll come back soon, he whispered to himself as he heed the signs and walked off into the harsh winds of the desert.

Day and night he wondered around the desert and although he wants to leave the desert for good, he always fostered this desire and motivation to find the oasis once again.

Call it a addiction but in the man's mind, one thing repeated again and again; you'll again stumble upon the oasis one day, keep moving.

Indeed the oasis has left an impact on the man, a deep one at that, for the man lost all hope and dream of leaving the desert alive but replaced that, reaching the oasis stands rooted in his mind.

The source and his feeling tells him to search for the oasis, and in doing so, he will remain stuck in the desert as he chooses not to leave but to search for the oasis.

But should he leave? Afterall, the oasis has given him life and hope when he was in the middle of his darkest, most desperate moments as well as console him.

And if not for that moment of spur and release I would still be in the oasis now, he thought to himself quietly, with a distinct hint of regret in his mind.

The man slowed his steps, unsure of his move while his mind deliberates. He feels every grain of sand around him and the wind picking up again and on the horizon, the sun slowly creeps, hinting that sunset looms near.

He stops and slows his steps. With the sun against his eye, he knows that he's facing the direction to the oasis.

Darkness and danger crept around him, urging his natural instinct towards the oasis, but then again, his environment should not dictate his actions, should it?

The man stands there, alone, in the desert with the heat fast draining away. He must make a decision; to continue venturing or to return to the oasis. He knows that he might not even find the oasis, but his heart yearns for it nevertheless.

The man stands very still now, not knowing exactly what to do..."

Hmm... Indeed, the man, the oasis and the desert forms a big chain, but with reference to the narrative, what should the man do?

In a metaphorical sense, all of us will be, at some point in our lives, the man lost in the desert and we will meet an oasis.

Some food for thought then. And as usual, I would love to hear from you guys, my readers.

Now time for a couple of random thoughts

1) It is windy
2) My hair is gone
3) Playing soccer in the rain, not very smart
3) I might have to sleep early tonight
4) There's work to be done (sparsely)
5) I need food
6) The term's drawing to an end
7) Best to get started on (insert)
8) My fan isn't even on, nor is my air conditioning unit
9) I'm looking forward to my lesson on Wednesday
10) My musical senses are calling out to me

That's that, now its time for work. Be sure to check back for articles and relevant updates.

Cya'll later.


The Daily Chronicles said...

Your hair is gay, looks like some girl's hair. BUT, this post was good as a whole, like the whole concept and the desert thing. Motivational man..


Anonymous said...

I think its okay. Much better than before! :D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...