Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Rite of Life.

Okay, for a little something different this time, I will be chronicling the day's events (something which I have never really articulated on this page).

I've always stood in favour for class bonding events, such as the "soccer" session we had today; it was really awesome and I'm pretty sure most if not everyone enjoyed themselves. Its good to see you guys in sporting outfits once in awhile for a change.

We should really do this often.

Along my bus ride back from my (second) class with my tuition student, I've come to realise a couple of things that has often puzzle and befuddled me previously. This aspect of which, will be featured in my upcoming article, so turn on your feeds and check back when the post is done!

I also realised that once in awhile, its really really nice to give yourself a good treat. Reward yourself for a particular well done job or even a good deed done; so as long as it remains a privilege, not an entitlement.

Self rewards are only effective if only reserved and saved for deserving moments or milestones in one's rite of life.

And for me, it was a good foot long Parmesan, Cold Cut Trio with no chili and pickles and plenty of sweet onion sauce to top it off. Mmm...

Life is really unexpected and justifiable, and thats what makes it exciting all the more. When life comes round and punches you right smack on the face, clean up the mess, stand right up and stand tall.

And this is why I always tell people to live life to the fullest, for you'll have no idea when you'll disappear. Second chances are few; third tries are scarse. Thus, always make sure to revolve your life around purpose and values.

Having said so much, I think I'd better continue with my narrative as seen in the previous post, call it a followup if you may...

The man stands very still now, not knowing exactly what to do.

Thoughts and recollections of the past memories he had with the oasis suddenly exploded in his mind and this was also why the sand around him saw drops of water.

The man dropped to the ground on all fours. More drops of water appeared and the man was not at all surprised for the tears that welled up in his eyes flooded his soul too.

He wasn't sad.

But of those were tears of confusion and indecision. The man felt helpless and desolated.

Perhaps this is the end, he thought to himself and pounded the sand with his fist, letting out a cry of agony in doing so, not being able to mask it anymore.

Was this the end for the man? Has the oasis and the desert given up on him?

Dusk soon settled around the man, who lay broken both mentally and physically, in a pathetic heap on the massive sand dune in which the man climbed the earlier day.

The desert was no place to be at night and the man knows that, having survived being in the desert for what seemed like years to him now. He soon regained his composure and got to this feet.

As he rose, the man saw and took note of the massive sand dune he scaled that very afternoon; that massive sand dune which he stood on and broke down on.

The person I am now wasn't the one who scaled this sand dune, he reflected.

It all suddenly fell into place and the truth hit him like a truck. The man knew what he had to do and as if to reaffirm this, something made him look to the sky.

He saw it and took it as a sign. Desolated and agonized emotions that took their place on his face were replaced by a firm and renergised expression.

It was at this point that he knew exactly what to do for he regained his determination.

He dusked away the remainding sand that settled upon his hair and ragged attire and began his pace. He knows this is the right way to go for the sign has convinced him and one day, maybe one day, he'll realise this reinvigorated goal of his.

The winds blew and the sands shifted, covering the footprints left behind by the man as if to guide him along his way.

Move on, they urge.

And thats exactly what the man does...

There is subjectivity in this narrative and I hope you guys will read and understand this both on a literal and metaphoric level. There is no definate answer for it leaves to your perception to decide the flow and the content of the narrative.

I would like to hear about your reactions from you guys, my readers, on the narrative and the whole concept of it.

A little food for thought again then. Remember to check back for updates and articles.

Till then.

Cya'll later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not going to call you nicely next time. WHAT!