Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Okay, after a couple of days doing intensive observational research for a said project that I was given, it somehow inspired me to do a little follow up.

I've always been a fan for the diversity of human behaviour and over the past couple of days or so, I've observed a myriad of different human expressions, reactions and actions, interesting really.

So, this is my plan of action for the next couple of weeks:

I'll be taking on a "personal project" where I'll record weekly observations on human behavioural stimulus and do a write up, weekly at least, on the week's observations. This project will be a 3 entry process (tentative) and I'll post my various write ups on this page.

I'll field my observational research on a variety of grounds and events, just to fully explore the lengths of human behaviour.

I've also foreseen certain time constrains that come with the new school term. Taxing as it may seem, I'll try to adhere to the demands of this "personal project" and post regularly.

Till then, my readers, stay sharp and check back regularly!

Cya'll later.

1 comment:

The Daily Chronicles said...

lmao personal project? Or a chance to ogle at girls? Oh wait aren't you a fag? Or have you changed? O.O
