Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Interestingly Interesting Interest

Just a quick update on the progress of my interesting research for my personal project. Observations for the first addition is more or less done and I'll probably post up by Friday or so. I've observed some interesting details; its well worth the wait. Hang in there my readers!

School was pretty interesting today, I guess; everyone got a little taste of the professional life.

One ICA (or two for that matter) ends while another is about to start. Looking forward to 0621's ICA2. Its gonna be interesting.

The book I'm reading now's pretty interesting too. Surprisingly, its perceptions of life and motivations and dreams are similar of that of my personal ideas. Interesting is it not?

Uh okay, lets see. Time for a little random thought:

Imagine if the world without the word "Interesting". The single most general descriptive word would be obsolete.

"What an (interesting) dress"
"Thats an (interesting) piece of art"
"(Interesting), we should talk more about this over lunch"
"The movie was (interesting) but I felt that the shots could be better"
"You're an (interesting) person indeed"

Similarly, the simple term "Interest" can be used to form a complete sentence with its variations.

eg. "Interestingly interesting interest"

But imagine if someone came up to you and said something like that. Okayy...

So yea, there you go. I'll post my (interesting) article soon, have faith, its (interesting) work in progress. Till then, stay golden.

Cya'll Later.

*Pardon my repeatitive purpose here. I'm trying to bring the issue concerning the overusage of certain words in the society, Interesting being one example*


Anonymous said...

so how did the groupings go?
china girl, slut, gay or slacker? =D

Anonymous said...

hmm. kenji your blog is so chim! :O