Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Oh Blogger, why shall thou fail me now?

Ok like what the heck.

Apparently, I can't upload pictures to blogger now, probably due to my internet connection (yikes!).

Was planning on doing the concert review tonight but it looks like I'll have to push back the posting date, so for you guys out there who either:

- Wanted to go to the concert but couldn't due to various reasons (but still want to know the run-down) and are MAJOR Click Five fans;

- Was there at the concert but was sitting right at the back (blah) and want to know what actually happens up front;

- Was right smack in the middle of the action in front but refuse to move AT ALL (like okayyy...);

- Have no freaking idea whatsoever who or what the Click Five is and what the hype is about;

- Went for the concert BUT missed the aftermath of it all, which honestly, was the best part *hint hint*;

I'll update shortly, as soon as I get a stable internet connection and when BLOGGER WILL FINALLY POST MY PICTURES FOR ME.

Hang in there, my readers, this update WILL be worth it, I assure you.

Till then, stay sharp.

Cya'll later.

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