Sunday, July 6, 2008

A Vision of Truth? I Don't Know.

First off, I have to say that Friday Night Starbucks are really really awesome, period. Especially if its a special occasion.

I know this is coming in abit late (considering the fact that its Sunday now), but yea, the cake, the coffee, the pasta, the ghostly stories/game discussion and not the mention, the photo taking session at the end of it all, which I'll update when I get them, were all awesome moments that I'll truly remember.

On a front, we're helping Starbucks regain their market share (which they're losing due competition) but on another, Friday nights are just a time set aside for social gatherings as such. Till the day when we don't have to leave at 11pm due to curfews, Friday nights are totally awesome and we'll make the time count.

Now that that's done, time for a little update.

Ever had one of those weird dreams which you remember for the entire day? Well I have.

This dream came to me last night (or morning, I can't really tell). Its contents are unfortunately, not at liberty to be expressed (as it is highly personal, NOT in an explicit way).

Even up to now (its 5:14 in the afternoon), I remember the dream clearly. Some people believe that if you remember your dream, it'll never come true.

BS or logic?

Honestly, I don't know. But what I know is that dreams DO come true, if you work towards them (both in a metaphorical and literal fashion).
I hope the dream I had, does come true. And I'll work towards it. Its not often that a pristine dream as such comes along and I take that as a sign, a sign to work towards it.

So for those of you out there who's given up on a dream, don't. For hope exists in even the weakest and worse situation, something which I'll always remember.

Be sure to check back for updates and articles, including the final installment of "The Human Behaviour" series. Till then stay sharp and don't give up.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what's the dream!
-wiggles eyebrows insanely
does it relate to myyyyyy dream?