Sunday, April 6, 2008

Tales Of The Past III; What Is Destiny?

I recently discovered an awesome series entitled "Tales of the past" over the Internet. Its based on the World of Warcraft lore and the animation in the movie itself is that of the actual game. Which means the creator of the story uses the actual models from the game and animates them.

Sounds complicated? Wait till you watch the movie itself; its awesome.

There are 3 parts to the series but i highly recommend anyone, or more rather, everyone to watch "Tales of the past III"; the highly anticipated climax to the series.
The video's around 89minutes long, and if you have totally idea whats World of Warcraft, I highly urge that you take a crash course before watching the movie.

For hardcore Warcraft fanatics (such as myself) this video is sure to blow your mind. Not only are the graphics like that of the game play (which has a considerable standard), the storyline, plot and sound actors fit perfectly; its truly a work of brilliance. And if you have no idea whatsoever about the story or characters, be sure to watch part I and II of Tales of the past first, trust me, it'll be worth the time.

The link to the movie and direct download can be found here:
Or alternatively, you can search Youtube (which is a faster way).

*The following contains spoilers (to a certain degree). You might want to watch the video first before reading on.*

From the movie as mentioned above, one is able to derive certain concepts of life aside from marvelling at the awesome cinematic-like graphics or the suiting soundtracks.
I find one aspect of the movie particularly interesting; the issue of Destiny that basically revolves around the entire storyline and plot.

What is Destiny? Can it be classified as "a predetermined course of events considered as something beyond human power or control"? (as cited from Or is Destiny just God's way of ensuring order in events that takes place in someone's life?
I'm sure that there are many variations of the definition but let us take a step back and think about the possibility of an existence of such a force.

There is no science or logic to Destiny. Its connected to the spirit and the mind rather than solid facts.
We see in the story mentioned above that it is in the "Destiny" of Blazer to be the "Ashbringer" even though the latter opposed the idea of existence to such a thing called Destiny. He believed that he wasn't destined for such a title more rather, he was chanced and forced upon it. Blazer had hope in him and that's why he doubted Destiny.

Destiny, in the modern world, is often used in cases such as love. For instance, people living in totally different worlds with totally different backgrounds may end up together even though it may seem impossible to others. In such cases, I'm pretty sure you've heard of things like "maybe they're destined for one another" or "its destiny that they're together" being said about such scenarios.
Maybe its Destiny, maybe its fate or maybe its just the work of sheer luck; no one really knows.

From a sceptical point of view, it may seem that Destiny doesn't exist and that the events that happen are probably due to chance.
However, just like the existence of ghosts, spirits or the supernatural, there isn't a definite answer. We cannot say for a hundred percent that there's such a thing called Destiny and that we're already predetermined by someone up there that we're meant to be a certain someone or to fit in a certain role (like that in the story).

I personally feel that Destiny doesn't exist. I feel like it isn't predetermined by anyone but yourself. Yes, I believe strongly that you yourself is what controls your life; You forge your own Destiny.
I mean lets look at it this way, if you're "destined" for some reason, that you're to be the next billionaire of your country but you don't do anything at all to achieve that target, will it happen?

I highly doubt so.

A man will be successful in his life, only if he has a driving force or a certain degree of motivation that pushes and spurs him on. Without certain elements, I'm sure that no matter how much "Destiny" one has, he is bound to fail and perhaps that is his Destiny.

So let us work to find our driving force, our hope and faith, and just like Blazer in the movie, we'll be able to overcome all odds and return triumphant at the end of the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I shall watch the warcraft movie soon!
Haha, I think there's really such a thing as destiny. Hmmma, actually, come to think of it again, maybe not. Haha, okay, see you soon!