Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hard Day's Night

The past few days have been really exhausting for me physically as well as mentally.

Bringing back the bacon is never easy and what better to emphasize that fact then to take up a part time job? Yes, indeed. The recent inactivity is largely due to my adoption of a part time endeavor that I decided to take on, not only for the money but also the experience.

Well, I guess my leg muscles speak for themselves when they scream in aching pain. Imagine walking up and down seemingly endless housing flats distributing similar pieces of advertising material, non stop for the past couple of days. Welcome to my life.

I'd like to think that there's more to a part time job then a simple financial boost. I'd like to think that each and every event or activity has its different aspects, factors and lessons in which the individual will be able to gain from.

(inserts a long drawn out yawn here)

There we go, a well deserved piece of reaction from the body after a hard day at work. Rest is of priority.

Zooming on to a little more excitement (pun intended).

A couple of hours ago saw the dawn of the first ever Singapore Grand Prix as the Formula One test runs ensured.

This may sound uncommon; as the largely audible cars zipped down the tight circuits of the Marina Bay Track, I felt a swell of pride within me. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I've been an avid Formula One Fan for a couple of years now.

But I guess there's a little something more to this little "swell" I experienced though when asked about the Formula One coming into the tiny island we call home, I've always answered with a general simple response:

"I find it really cool."

Tomorrow (or rather today, since I'm posting this entry on Saturday technically) will be an exciting day for sure; I'll be attending the event itself. Really awesome stuff.

I'll try my best amongst my busy schedule nowadays to complete my article as soon as possible so yea, be sure to check back for updates.

Again, I apologize for the inactivity on this page for the said duration (a week to be exact) largely due to my daily commitments.

Till the next update, stay sharpened and precise.

Cya'll later.

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