Saturday, January 31, 2009

Out with the Old, In with the New

The Change.

Sometimes we feel the need for change, the need for something different or something new. At that particular micro second in time, what is it that makes us decide that there is a need for replacement, a change?

Sometimes when we reach a particular point in our lives, we are faced with one, if not numerous alternatives towards a certain approach.

Which one will we take? Which path will ultimately satisfy us fully?

Its interesting to see that when we see a need for change, we do it automatically, usually without complains. But what happens when we're forced to change? We detest and resent and we wish that things would stay the same.

Why is this so?

The only explanation I can confer to is simply because we as human beings are largely insecure. No matter who we are, be it a figurehead in society or just an average citizen, I believe that there is a certain sense of fear in changing.

It is a curious thought that people are fearful of change, but when they see a need and automatically initiates that change, that fear is no longer there.

Call it need recognition if you will, but when change is imminent we set off to accomplish the task of change; thus defining the need for change.

I believe that change, is the process in itself. So what is the action of change?

When we see something that is in need of change, when we see a certain weakness in a system or a strategy or more viciously, when we see someone in a different light as before, what do we do?

This feeling is curious and something which I would like to explore deeper and more in depth, but at a later period; partly due to the complexity of the subject and the way in which I would like to explore the subject matter.

More detail will be released in due timing.


Well, the pass couple of weeks were certainly involving to a huge extend; assignments galore. I hardly had time to think about things I would normally ponder over, which can be a good or a bad thing, depending on the circumstance.

However, this week saw the completion of a variety of projects and assignments which I (and for the part, various teammates) took on.

Amongst the lot, highlights were probably the (much anticipated) music video production which was required of us for the Storyboard Module.

Well, here it is, after weeks of preparation and (careful) planning, the final product,

"Best I Ever Had", Vertical Horizon. (

I must say, though the production was not of top quality (due to time constrains during both editing as well as filming), the final product turned up substantially well.

Personal favorite: flashback scene towards the end of the video.

I'm sure all that planning and conceptualization during pre-production has certainly paid off and I'm especially happy and captivated with the entire concept of the video.

I guess this is the gist of producing the video, the satisfaction yield at the end of everything. When you see the production that you and your team have spent so much time working on, with blood (not really), sweat and tears (not really either) all put in, being shown on the big screen, that satisfaction and feeling is dare I say, an out of this world experience.

Yes, it could have been much much better but hey, there's always room for improvement.

Moving on to more festive insights.

The Chinese New Year must-have, Yusheng.

Well officially, Chinese New Year happened a couple of days back but due to the immerse workload, I had to forgo a majority of the proceedings as a result.

I've never actually been a fan of the festival, to be totally honest, until this year that is. I've never truly understood the significance of the festival nor abode strictly to its traditional beliefs.

But however, that insensitive side of me seem to cease of recent times.

I'm curious to know what the younger generation feel and perceive the new year as. Is it just another festival with an additional 2 days off from school? Or is it the time of the year where money comes in the form of red packets which results in an increased intake in pocket money allowance?

That aside, I'd like to think otherwise.

I feel that Chinese New Year (or any festival for that matter) isn't about red packets, tidbits or gambling while wearing red undergarments.

It is a time for the family; its like the creator's way of reserving time so that people can communicate and bond with their kin.

In our modern society, we are constantly on the go, and our minds turn from being primal to being materialistic as we view food from being a sustenance to a need in every consumer's mind.

Deterioration of the human mind perhaps? Will we still remember the humane side of our well being?

I guess this is where festivals such as Chinese New Year comes in. Whether if its to usher in the lunar new year, or to mark the start of a new chapter, I feel that the underlying purpose ultimately lies with spending time building relationships with the people around you, and appreciating them.

So think again, if you see the upcoming festive holidays as "time away from the office" or "days with no school". I'm sure its much more than just that.

I apologize for the short hiatus currently being put into motion but things should be very much on schedule now that major projects are out of the way.

Be sure to check back for updates and the lot.

Embrace change and stay sharp!

*The production as seen in this post solely belongs to the Drool Bits Production team and any unaccredited references and relevance made to the storyline and its characters will result in undesirable consequences.

Song of the Post

Now playing: Radiohead - Just
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

funny how anonymity works huh?