Sunday, October 5, 2008

Choice Number 1

"You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours."

The pass couple of days were somewhat inward as well as solitary for me as I dug deep into the uncharted regions of my mind, reflecting on everything that's been going on, everything that has happened, and everything that I foresee happening. To put it simply, I've been doing a thorough overhaul mentally.

I've thought about various issues, not only those related to me personally but also to the society as a whole. I've also come to realize that things aren't always what it turns out to be and that the society has a much stronger foothold on us than we had envisioned it.

A couple of weeks back, I received a call inquiring about my services as a tutor. In a way, I was really excited about taking in another student.

A few days back saw the first lesson with my new student (so now I have 2 students, for those of you keeping track at home) and it was, if I may comment, a new experience with regard to my previous student.

Not drawing any comparisons here but I'm really thankful, both from a professional and personal perspective for this new business opportunity. Again, having a new client means, naturally, newer challenges but I'm ready to face them head on.

During the lesson however, came a particular challenge that caught me off guard.

We chanced upon this "multiple choice" vocabulary question, one of those where you have to pick an answer out of the 4 given and write its corresponding number. It went like this;

Question: On Sunday, we went to the library to ____ books

1) Buy
2) Borrow
3) Lend
4) Draw

Well, I'm pretty sure you're sitting there in your chair going "that's easy, the answer's 2".

Yes, that was my presumption too. But sometimes like they say "ignorance is bliss".

"I think the answer is number 1!"

She (my student) then happily scribbled down her answer on the book and gave me a satisfied expression upon doing so.

"that's because sometimes libraries sell books too!"

Buy. Borrow. Yes common sense tells you that you "borrow" books from the library but is "buy" really deemed incorrect?

That was when I started thinking of the article which I posted recently; "Eating at Disambiguation; Agreeing is not Disagreeing". Why can't the answer be choice number 1?

"What if" the library decided to organize a book fare to sell its old books on that particular Sunday which the question was referring to?

I guess in reality, the "politically correct" answer would be option 2 as people NORMALLY borrow and not buy books at the library.

The presence of ambiguity (with huge reference to my article), has indeed elevated this question into a philosophical issue rather than a primary one (first grade) question.

Indeed, I was dumbfounded by the question as well as my student's response. In fact, there was a minute's grace before I gathered my assessment of her answer.

Life catches you unawares on more than one occasion and I guess, this is one such example. Here we see the clash between innocence and ambiguity in society. People automatically assume the norm.

Its like saying,

"Stop ___ on your computer, you've been at it all day!"

The "correct" answer being "playing" but can you entirely say that "working" is "politically incorrect"?

A child's innocence is the result of an unfiltered mind. The child may know of both sides as they're not subjected to typicality as yet.

Oh well.

On to lighter issues.


I have this strange urge to go and adopt a cat (thus the reason for the pictures in this post). I've been a fan of cats (as compared to dogs) for quite sometime now but only recently has this idea resurfaced (yes, I've considered the idea of adoption only to be rejected by my folks).

If only Life was like this.

I would take pictures of stray cats I see on the streets and along with a bunch of friends whom share the similar interest and fondness for cats, talk about them every time the thought pops up.

I sense a trip down to the local pet shelter sometime soon.

I've also decided (more or less) to purchase an iPhone, which will happen sometime soon during the week.

Figured that purchasing an iPhone will speed up my efficiency, both on a professional front as well as on a personal basis. Of course, I took into consideration a load of other factors.

Alright, I'd best get to bed; expected to be up early tomorrow prior to a significant event (which I may or may not update on).

Remember to check back for updates and articles.

Cya'll later.

*All Photos/Pictures used in this post belongs to their respective owners and photographers*


Huiwen said...

absolutely prosh. second picture is win.

Anonymous said...

did i show you fatcat yet?