Sunday, October 19, 2008


A little something happened on a certain weekend, during a certain time, at a certain place...

Its like telling the world that you've just bought an Apple product and you're loving it (which is largely true).

This is it.

I totally dig the packaging; its really attractive. Two separate boxes overlapping one another, in sleek black finishing, of course.

The iPhone 3G. And its finally within my possession. *inserts evil laughter here*


Well yea, a couple of days back, I took action and purchased the new Apple iPhone 3G. Loads of consideration were put into this consumer purchase process before I made my decision; some of you guys might recall my dilemma which I brought up, a couple a posts back.

Trust me, it was a largely intensive and volatile process as I had to carefully weigh the pros and cons of the purchase as compared to other products of either the same function and use.

It wasn't easy.

But in the end, I decided to pursue the trends of tomorrow and also due to the added fact of the new semester's workload, I'm sure the iPhone will fulfill whatever tasks its entrusted with and in doing so, maximizing its potential for use and improvement of efficiency.


My purpose of this post is mainly to help potential iPhone users, or rather, to warn them of the limitations as well as the (huge) benefits of the iPhone. Though I've been doing a little product research about the iPhone for about 3 months prior to my purchase, I was in for big "surprises" (good and bad) upon my first use of the beautifully crafted device.

Here's why;


Need I say more? I'm sure you've been hearing a steady flow of praises about this new product from Apple. From a marketing perspective, Apple has always been at the forefront of branding and positioning, whats more, with their avid use of awareness creation in their promotional tactics, Apple has established itself on a steady foothold in today's technology market.

And the iPhone 3G, doesn't by any means, undermine that fact. But in actual reality, has further consolidated Apple's world dominance on the technological market.

With its sleek appearance, sensitive (but durable) touch screen feature, this device will win tech geeks, as well as babes alike, over in a jiffy.

It isn't all looks though; the iPhone function as well as it looks. With awesome built in features, like the conventional iPod, the ever helpful Google maps, Photo viewer as well as the ever helpful Notepad, it pretty much speaks out for itself.

Its simply:
- an iPod (awesome music player)
- a Street directory
- a photo album
- an organizer
- a mobile device
- a web browser
- a mini computer
- a very sophisticated device

And I've not even started on apps yet.

The presence of the app store is what makes your iPhone different from your Uncle's business mobile device. Apps can do ANYTHING (okay almost anything, think logically). From being a lightsaber (from the app "Lightsaber Unleashed", Star War fans will understand what I'm ranting on about), to having a mobile online chat with your contacts, apps top this crown of gold with beautiful gems.

The iPhone is after all, a mobile device, and does not disappoint. I particularly enjoy the text message interface, which is in the form of a continuous chat orientation, which I'm sure, will be a huge hit to the next generation who are more obsessed in texting on their mobile devices rather than actually talking.

The iPhone is also very interactive. So interactive that I'm surprised that it actually can't talk. Every flick of the finger, tap of the thumb or swipe across the screen results in instant reaction from the iPhone. The brightness of the iPhone is also determined by the light intensity of your surroundings and you can't say that's not awesome.

It makes us wonder if technology can someday, take over the role of humans.

Why it blows (skip this part if you're a delusional Apple fan).

My first problem when I got my iPhone really got me on the nerves. Sure the package and everything else were perfect BUT the instruction manual, if it can be considered one, was really just a piece of "something that told me nothing useful".

For instance (and this was my second problem), I discovered that all my SIM contacts weren't in my iPhone. I looked through the product package and "instruction manual" in hopes of finding possible solutions but were largely in vain. The internet wasn't too helpful.

After a couple of taps and flicks on the iPhone, I finally found out why my SIM contacts weren't in the phone; they weren't imported from my SIM card, yet. Note that the manual or troubleshooting guides weren't able to offer me the solution.

Then comes the issue of the much talked about Battery life of the iPhone. Though this isn't a major issue for me as yet (probably due to my new battery), I foresee the limitations of the iPhone's battery, accredited due to its numerous functions.

Typing has also been a hassle for me though I'm slowly getting the hang of typing via tapping. For conventional cellphone users, it may take awhile to get used to tapping on the iPhone's screen for both speed and precision.

Don't have a stable internet connection? Well that will reduce your iPhone to a simple, "not-so-cool" device. Simply because a load of the iPhone's functions (ie. Maps, App store, Youtube, Safari and more) are internet intensive.

Think of an iPhone without the internet as say, Slash without his guitar or Ronaldo without his soccer boots.

Probably one of the most taxing problems (to me at least), is the absence of the Apple itunes store in the country that I'm living in; Singapore. This means that one of the most important feature of the iPhone, the itunes feature, is rendered totally obsolete until Apple decides to open a store locally.

For now, the app store is the only salvation to this problem.

Technology has its improvements, and thus humans must do the same.

All in all, I feel that the pros outweigh the cons, which is why I decided to purchase the iPhone as compared to the iPod touch or another Sony Phone.

Alright, that's all for this post I guess. Time to go get my accessories now the iPhone feels naked and unprotected. Remember to check back for updates, as well as articles and stay golden, my readers.

Cya'll later.

*Disclaimer. The owner of this blog and its management team holds no relation to the Apple corporation and does not get paid for promoting or analyzing its product(s). All Apple brand names and products belongs solely to the manufacturer and producers.*


Anonymous said...

yay yay yay yay triple yayyyyy
see you on monday/tuesday/whenever !!

Anonymous said...

you just succumbed to months of evil propaganda, yeah, so that owns.

good on ya mate

Samuel said...

ronaldo without his soccer boots is still pwnzor.