Thursday, November 13, 2008

Into the Water

Halloween awesome-ness indeed.

Spent the last couple of days on both ends on the spectrum; leisure and work. Both in epic proportions, if I may so graciously add.

Let us first run through a little update on the work front.

ICAs have been coming in in steady streaks but I guess its business as usual. Work has been taxing of late and rightly so. After all, change breeds improvement doesn't it?

On a side note, I've not been sleeping as I should. Well, not really as I should per se but more like "as much as I should have been sleeping". I rarely sleep before 3am as of recently months and I guess its taking a toll on my body, both physically and mentally.

The upside (or downside, depending how you look at it) though, is that I feel less and less tired even though I'm getting less and less sleep. Guess its the body's way of adapting to circumstances, no matter how harsh it is.

This certainly adds to the resume of the human body (Resilience? Check!) and without a doubt, it is one of the most intricately engineered masterpiece above all.

Moving onto the other side of the spectrum. This is what puts the "f" in "fun".

Darkened eyeliner, smudged mascara and scars left behind. Mildly disturbing indeed.

The party over the weekends was certainly one of the highlights of the week by a long shot.

All in the name of fun (love, peace and joy etc), we came all dressed up in various facades otherwise known as abnormal in typical social situations. From Ginger Spice to Slash, to a guy with slashes on his hands, the party saw a unique flow of attendees.

The Emo Kid strutting off his arms. Slash slashes slashes on slashed hands. The wounds are NOT real.
(But they do look disturbing on camera)

Activities largely revolved around food, socializing as well as the continuous sounds of Guns & Roses being blasted over the stereo system in the form of music videos.

I can safely say that everyone had a good laugh and a nice time there at the party for sure.

Alright, moving on now. I just thought of something which I came up, a couple of days back and thus had decided to add it to this post as part of the update.

It basically depicts a process of sorts. I'm sure everyone has been part of this process, though it goes largely overlooked in current societal contexts.

Here goes...

Picture this;


You're standing at the edge of a lake. You look down and you see a grim canopy of water, in shades darkness. You're unsure of your fate or what were you doing, standing at edge, seemingly staring into the face of death.

Should you take the plunge? How deep is the water? Is the water too cold or too hot? Questions as such pop into your mind bit by bit, like a typewriter, it slowly scripts fears into you.

As you prepare to take the jump, you hold your breath and not knowing what to expect, you're in the air. For that brief moment, time had seemed to malfunction and you think to yourself; am I doing the right thing? What will happen of me?

That was weird though, you thought.

Indeed, for you felt as if right before you took the plunge yourself, someone or something had pushed you down. What was it? You have no clue whatsoever.

Then a second thought hit you whist you were in midair; What if I couldn't swim, you thought to yourself, What if I drowned?

Time seemed to stop as sudden as it soon resumed and with a sudden spur, everything was a blur again and that was when you plunged into the water.


I'm sure most if not everyone has plunged "into the water" at some point in their lives; it is a common occurrence.

But the issue arises when one is seemingly "pushed" by who or what or something that we don't know. How should we react? Should we even react at all?

There are many aspects which can fit the bill of the "pusher" in this context, the most common accredited to emotions and feelings.

Many a time, our emotions "push" us into situations we don't fancy, don't feel good about, or into situations we feel unsure of; too many a time, in actual fact. But it must be noted that sometime, it is us, ourselves who take the final step off the edge; there was no "push".

A little food for thought then. Hmm...

Time to get back to work, certainly plenty to do. Be sure to check back for updates and articles as always.

Cya'll later.

"... or I'll just end up walking, in the cold November Rain"

Now playing: Guns N' Roses - November Rain
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's familiar, you told me this before right? (: